Multi cert Creator is not easy-rsa
MC Cine is Open Source software and licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0. It helps you to create self-signed SSL certificates which are able to handle multiple DNS names and/or IP addresses.
New in v3 is the ability to create self-signed S/MIME certificates for secure EMail communication (of course with multiple alias addresses in one certificate)!
That means you can create 1 SSL certificate with a common name = and that would be valid for or/and for, too!
MC Cine is a very powerful tool. Here comes the full help for the current version:
./bin/ -h full Version: 2019-04-25 - by This will do stuff to easily self-sign multiple/alternative FQDN/IPs. It is NOT easy-rsa! mccine can (easy-rsa can not) sign certs with multiple FQDNs/IPs and is not such comfortable as this tool ;o). When you want >1< common name only you may (but don't need to) use easy-rsa instead. mccine can sign single CN's, too of course. Getting starting is VERY easy and done in 2 simple steps! 1) ./bin/ -m CA -F You will be guided to the initial setup of your own and new CA and you will get at the end an example output for the next step: 2) ./bin/ -m sign -F,IamNOTaFQDN, -C my.ROOT-CA.pem -i my.ROOT-CA.crt (You can copy & paste the ROOT-CA filenames right from step 1) Again you will be guided to the whole process - this time for creating your new certificate signed with the CA created in step 1 and with default options. You're done! Next time you need step <2> only because you already have a CA! Isn't that easy? :o) More examples and the full help are available within the specific help sections. Usage: $> ./bin/ -m [MODE] [options] MODE = usage mode. can be one of: <ROOTCA> | <SUBCA> | <sign> | <csr> -h ROOTCA <ROOTCA> will create a ROOT-CA and you need to start here when using mccine the first time. -h SUBCA <SUBCA> requires a ROOT-CA! If you have one already choose this to create a signing SUB-CA. -h sign <sign> requires a ROOT- or SUB-CA! This helps you in self-signing a user cert. -h csr <csr> requires a FQDN/IP only. No self-signing here. Use this mode if you want to sign your csr by another CA. -h full will show all help output of the above. MODE = <csr> -m csr|req The csr mode will be used to create a new certificate request only! It will NOT sign anything so you need to sign it manually or by another CA. (Order of args is totally free and case insensitive) Required: -f|F MAIN-FQDN,CNx,IP1,IPx,... = One ore multiple common name(s) AND/OR IPs of the server certificate, normally that will be the DNS name(s)/IP(s) of your target server. Optional: -p|P CERT PEM file = The private key file of the existing/new server cert (will be created if not existing) -d|D DAYS-FOR-SIGNING = How long should the cert be valid in days. -b|B CERT KEY-STRENGTH = Defines the strength of the private key -s mail|MAIL = you can define 'MAIL' as special signing mode and then create a S/MIME certificate request Defaults: CERT PEM file = <CN defined by -F arg>.pem DAYS-FOR-SIGNING = 2190 days CERT KEY-STRENGTH = 4096 bit Examples: $> ./bin/ -m csr -F,myhostname, -d 365 -b 2048 $> ./bin/ -m csr -s MAIL -F,, $> ./bin/ -m csr -F MODE = <ROOTCA> -m ROOTCA|CA|rootca|ca The ROOT-CA mode will be used normally once only. It is not recommended to sign user certs with a ROOT-CA and it is needed in order to create a SUB-CA (which then signing your certs). If you already have a CA which is able to do that (check your openssl.cnf settings!) or if you have created a ROOT-CA with this tool already you can skip that and proceed with <SUBCA> and / or <sign> mode. (Order of args is totally free and case insensitive) Required: -f|F CA CN = Common name of your ROOT-CA cert, e.g the DNS name or IP address of the CA system Optional: -c|C CA PEM file = The private key file of the signing ROOT-CA -d|D DAYS-FOR-SIGNING = How long should the cert be valid in days. -b|B CA KEY-STRENGTH = Defines the strength of the encryption key of the CA Defaults: DAYS-FOR-SIGNING = 4380 days CA KEY-STRENGTH = 8192 bit CA PEM file = <CN defined by -F arg>.pem Examples: $> ./bin/ -m ROOTCA -F -C my.CA-server.pem -d 3650 -b 4096 $> ./bin/ -m CA -F MODE = <SUBCA> -m SUBCA|subca The SUBCA mode will be used normally once to create an intermediate CA for a specific purpose. It then will be used to sign the user / mail / webservers certificates. Such a intermediate or SUB-CA is recommended and should be used to be secure. (Order of args is totally free and case insensitive) Required: -f|F CA CN = Common name of your SUB-CA cert, e.g the DNS name or IP address of the SUBCA system -r|R CA PEM file = The private key file of the signing ROOT-CA which will sign your cert-request -i|I CA CERT file = The CA certificate file of the signing ROOT-CA. Optional: -d|D DAYS-FOR-SIGNING = How long should the cert be valid in days. -b|B CA KEY-STRENGTH = Defines the strength of the encryption key of the CA Defaults: DAYS-FOR-SIGNING = 2190 days CA KEY-STRENGTH = 8192 bit CA PEM file = <CN-you-defined-by -F arg>.pem Examples: $> ./bin/ -m SUBCA -F -r my.ROOTca.pem -i my.ROOTca.crt $> ./bin/ -m SUBCA -F -r my.ROOTca.pem -i my.ROOTca.crt -d 3650 -b 4096 MODE = <sign> -m SIGN|sign The sign mode will be your 'normal' operation mode once you have created your ROOT-CA and will be used to self-sign your certs with the CA you created in MODE = <CA>. (Order of args is totally free and case insensitive) Required: -f|F MAIN-FQDN,CNx,IP1,IPx,... = One ore multiple common name(s) AND/OR IPs of the server certificate, normally that will be the DNS name(s)/IP(s) of your target server. -c|C CA PEM file = The private key file of the signing ROOT-CA which will sign your cert-request -i|I CA CERT file = The CA certificate file of the signing ROOT-CA. Optional: -p|P CERT PEM file = The private key file of the existing/new server cert (will be created if not existing) -d|D DAYS-FOR-SIGNING = How long should the cert be valid in days. -b|B CERT KEY-STRENGTH = Defines the strength of the private key -s mail|MAIL = you can define 'MAIL' as special signing mode and then create a S/MIME certificate Defaults: CERT PEM file = <CN defined by -F arg>.pem DAYS-FOR-SIGNING = 2190 days CERT KEY-STRENGTH = 4096 bit Examples: $> ./bin/ -m sign -F,myhostname, -C my.SUB-CA.pem -p my.CERT.pem -d 365 -b 2048 -i my.SUB-CA.crt $> ./bin/ -m sign -s MAIL -F,, -C my.SUB-CA.pem -i my.SUB-CA.crt $> ./bin/ -m sign -F -C my.SUB-CA.pem -i my.SUB-CA.crt
Since 2016 McCine has been tracked and developed on so please find the current stable versions here: github .
Let me know if you have any issues in the github tracker: issues